New COVID Vaccine Eligibility Threshold Now Allows 50-Year-Olds To Get Life Saving Shots In Westchester County – By Brian Harrod

Westch­ester, County Ex­ec­u­tive George La­timer on Mon­day re­ported that its four vac­cine sites, in­clud­ing the County Cen­ter and Yonkers Ar­mory, have pro­vided 176,000 doses to date and that 15% of Westch­ester res­i­dents are now fully vac­ci­nated.

New York­ers 50 and older are el­i­gi­ble to make appointments for a COVID vaccine, Governor An­drew Cuomo announced on Monday.

The number of westchester county residents in their fifties is large and will add to the demand for vaccines, but government officials say that supplies are either here or on their way.

The seven-week decline in the infection rate in Westch­ester has flattened of late, with the current number of active county infections at 5,233.

So far, only one case of the U.K. variant has been identified in the county and none of either the South African or Brazilian variants.