Did Racism Cause The Destruction Of The Yonkers Carnegie Library? – By Brian Harrod

YONKERS HISTORY: The #YonkersCarnegie Library was commonly held to be the most beautiful building in the city, but for decades nobody really wantede to talk about why it was torn down…..

 Was #SystemicRacism A Reason The Beautiful Yonkers Carnegie Library Was torn Down?

YONKERS RUMORS: The circumstances that led to the death of this #Yonkers library are steeped in half-truths, incredible lies, and wild rumors that range from political corruption, bumbling incompetence and racial prejudice.

One rumor, hinting of racism, focuses on the true intentions of the Mayor of the time, #AngeloMartinelli, and his desire to undo the white flight to the east side of Yonkers.

Some say incompetent Yonkers Public Library administrators were their own worst enemy as this Yonkers jewel was destroyed.