FRIGHTENED FAMILIES: Yonkers Parents And Teachers Are All Over Social Media And They Are Very Concerned About Schools In Yonkers – By Brian Harrod

Disappointed sad woman holding mobile phone while laying on bed at night

YONKERS RUMORS: Some Yonkers Public Schools Parents Are Saying That They Are Hearing That A Teacher At Khalil Ghibran Tested Positive For The Coronavirus And They Fear That School Administrators Are Not Being Upfront With Them And The #WestchesterCounty Board Of Health.

SOCIAL MEDIA MESSAGES: The rumor is that the #Yonkers school was not closed to the teachers, as per, the plan submitted to Andrew Cuomo‘s administration.

UNCONFIRMED REPORTS: Some say this teacher was doing the remote teaching in a room with another teacher and we may have a second exposed teacher at the school.

NO OFFICIAL WORD: So far there has been no confirmation or news release from Superintendent #EdwinQuezada‘s officeor any of his administrators.

PLEASE NOTE: These reports are very preliminary and have not been confirmed by any officials in The City of Yonkers, but are being spread on social media in the city of hills.

Khalil Gibran School is located at 18 Rosedale Road in Yonkers


Some are now saying the teacher at the school did test positive, but he never entered the building.

Its important that Yonkers Public Schools Superintendent #EdwinQuezada‘s office quickly reports issues to parents and teachers in a transparent manner, instead of waiting for days to get the facts out.

There are also some teachers saying that there were seven other schools besides Khalil Ghibran that had people who tested positive, but there is no official confirmation on this..

They all could’ve been people who never made it into the building.

This rumors can be contained if the Yonkers Public Schools are very open and transparent with homeowners, parents, teachers and other school employees.


A Mini Yonkers Public Schools Coronavirus Outbreak Has Started With YPS Employees At School 1`7, Dodson, Martin Luther King Jr, School 13. And Roosevelt HS Have Been Put Into Quarantine With No Public Notification…..

YONKERS TRIBUNE: #YFT Member Action Needed Now!

YFT LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Yonkers Public Schools have only been open a few days and already COVID 19 positive cases are being identified.

Any hope that Superintendent #EdwinQuezada was going to make the health and safety of the district’s employees a priority is quickly dimming.

Since the opening of schools at least four schools have COVID positive cases or cases requiring the quarantine of staff members.

Across Westchester County the COVID rate has jumped to 6.5%, well above the 5% measure that signals an impending health crisis.

After a few days of school, a teacher tested COVID positive at School 17 and Superintendent Quezada refused to allow for a 14-day remote home instruction quarantine for teachers and staff until the YFT exerted pressure on the district to act.

Subsequently, other staff members at School 17 tested positive. Individual staff members have gone into quarantine at Dodson, Martin Luther King Jr, and School 13. Now, at Roosevelt HS, the principal has publicly announced that a teacher who had daily interactions with other staff members within the building tested COVID positive.

Superintendent Quezada has thus far refused to order a quarantine and institute a 14-day remote home instruction program….

Please Read More Of The Letter Sent To Editor #HeziAris At The Yonkers Tribune Here:


NEWS 12: Several teachers at 5 Yonkers schools test positive for COVID-19

Several teachers at five Yonkers schools have tested positive for COVID-19 since the school year began, according to the district.

So far, at least five teachers, staff members or administrators have come down with the virus at P.S. 13, P.S. 17, Martin Luther King Jr. High School and Roosevelt High School….


Now a staff member from Saunders Trades & Technical High School, that the individual received a positive result from a COVID rapid test administered at a visit to a medical professional for an unrelated matter.

That staff member was in the building on Thursday, September 10, 2020, but Yonkers Public Schools Superintendent #EdwinQuezada is refusing to closed the building for 14 days….


JOURNAL NEWS: Will Yonkers be ready for kids to come back to school buildings next month?

Carmen Goodstein, president of the Council of PTAs/PTSAs is concerned that remote instruction, underway since Sept. 8, will be hindered by a lack of clear requirements for daily live teaching and recorded lessons.

Teachers must come to school each day.

Leaders of the PTA Council recently toured several city schools, reporting that progress was being made in preparing the buildings to reopen and that teachers were enthusiastic about welcoming students to class.

They were looking to rebut statements from the YFT that outlined numerous concerns about teachers returning to school.

“The principals, in collaboration with teachers, were working to set the environment in the rooms – that is what parents need to know,” said Robert Rijos, immediate past president of the Council of PTAs/PTSAs.

Samantha Rosado-Ciriello, YFT president, disagreed with the PTA Council’s rosy portrayal of school readiness: “I can’t presume to understand what they’re thinking or why. It doesn’t reflect what’s going on in the schools.”

Samantha Rosado-Ciriello described what she called the district’s inability to adequately prepare for the new school year, in terms of teacher training, the readiness of technology, meeting health and safety guidelines, and more.

“Our teachers want to make sure the school year is as seamless as possible,” Samantha Rosado-Ciriello said.

“It’s unfortunate the district was not able to get their house in order.”…..


NEWS 12 >>> Yonkers SD: 6 staff members positive for COVID-19 since start of remote classes

Several teachers in the Yonkers school district have tested positive for COVID-19.

There have been six positive cases of coronavirus since remote classes started back up again at Yonkers Public Schools last week.

The school district confirmed that the six cases are among staff at three buildings — School 17, Roosevelt High School and Saunders, which just reported a case on Saturday….