Yonkers Budget Has A 0% Property Tax Increase

Mayor Mike Spano Presents his 2022 Executive Budget to the Yonkers City Council

YONKERS:: Mayor Mike Spano released his Fiscal Year 2022 Executive Budget proposal, which contains a zero percent increase in the property tax levy, contains no reductions in City services and, once again, provides its largest contribution to Yonkers Public Schools.

Mayor Spano stated, “Like many cities across the country, Yonkers experienced a yearlong lockdown due to a global pandemic that crippled local businesses and employment. Fortunately, Yonkers weathered the storm better than expected, allowing us to prevent an increase in the tax levy that would have placed additional burdens on our taxpayers. Today, the city is emerging from the lockdown and is getting back to business, putting our residents back to work.”

“The City’s ability to remain intact during this turbulent year is due in part to the Administration’s ongoing fiscal responsibility and frugal spending,” added Mayor Spano.

Executive Budget Overview:

The Executive Budget for the Fiscal Year 2022 for the combined City and Board of Education (BOE) General Funds is $1.15 billion, a decrease of $600,000 ($6.8 million decrease for City and $6.2million increase for the BOE), or 0.05%.

Yonkers Board of Education

The Executive Budget includes a record $651.9 million appropriation for the Board of Education, the largest ever budgeted by an Administration.

Mayor Spano added, “Thank you to our New York State Yonkers delegation for committing to deliver the long overdue phase-in of foundation aid over the next three years, with Yonkers Public Schools receiving $21.9 million this year, as well as restoring $12 million in state education bullet aid. While this serves our District now, we need to remain vigilant in addressing the systematic funding inequities that effect Yonkers students each year.”

For FY22, the combined Maintenance of Effort and Debt Service contribution transfer to education will go up by $7.2 million. The Administration’s contribution to the Maintenance of Effort has increased 21% annually and 109% cumulatively.

Municipal Operating Budget

Included in the Executive Budget is a municipal General Fund operating budget of $536 million. General Fund Departmental Expenditures are budgeted at $291 million.

The Executive Budget recognizes the economic hardships of local property taxpayers because of the pandemic. As a result, FY22 Budget proposes a flat property tax levy – marking the first time in over 20 years taxes would remain flat.

The Administration also proposes absorbing nearly half of the projected 10% increase by the New York City water per capita rate with a local increase of 4.5%. The water fund revenue will be assumed on a volume based tiered structure that is currently being discussed by the City Council.

The 2022 Executive Budget does not propose cuts to municipal services or city workforce and includes essential health and safety capital projects for the city.

Citing the flat funding in Aid and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM) from New York State, Mayor Spano remarked, “The state-funded AIM funding is down over $27 million from 2009 levels. This continued lack of funding makes it difficult to fund our fringe benefit and union contract costs, which account for 75% of the City’s budget.”

Mayor Spano added, “My hope is that the 2022 Executive Budget is a basis for discussions and decisions. I ask our City Council members to continue to build upon the spirit of cooperation that has passed eight consecutive bipartisan budgets during my time in office.”

Budget Snapshot:

• $1.15 billion total budget

• Proposes ZERO percent increase in the property tax levy

• Maintains city services and municipal positions

• $651.9 million appropriation for the Board of Education, the largest ever budgeted by an Administration.