YONKERS STRONG: Yonkers Lunch Club With 200 Members Continues To Meet on Zoom…

JOURNAL NEWS: Nothing can stop this Yonkers group from dishing over lunch

JEANNE MUCHNICK: There’s a lot of love in Yonkers and it can be found in a small group called the Yonkers Thursday Lunch Club (TLC).

YONKERS: A coterie of mixed ages, races, occupations and retirees — the majority of whom are Yonkers residents (others work there) — is so enamored of the city that, for the past six years, they’ve regularly met every Thursday at noon at various downtown restaurants.

And, the coronavirus has not stopped them.

Which is where Zoom comes in.

“TLC is still going strong,” said Bob Walters, one of the TLC coordinators, of their new virtual meal.

“It’s not the same as regular lunch, but it’s still good to see and hear everyone.”
Added Rose Avilés, the community services coordinator for the Yonkers Public Library:

“I think during these unprecedented challenging times, it’s crucial for us to meet as we used to, and be in one another’s company.”…..
